(2-1)  Nefertiti is on the ground. She puts the shot so that its initial trajectory is parallel to the ground (she could do with a better coach), at an initial height of 1.20 m and a velocity of 10 ms-1 in the direction of the throw. The shot also falls downward under gravity, with an acceleration of 9.8 ms-2 in the downward direction.

①  Calculate the length of Nefertiti’s ground level put. You can ignore the effect of air resistance.

Now Nefertiti is on the plane, which is flying in a direction that will carry her directly over Cormorant's head at a velocity of 150 ms-1.  She puts in a forward direction along the axis of the plane and puts in exactly the same effort as she did when she threw on the ground earlier. 

②  In Nefertiti’s frame of reference, she is static, just as she was on the ground. What therefore would she predict would be the length of her throw (assume that acceleration due to gravity is the same as at ground level) ?

③  What is the overall velocity of the shot in the direction towards Cormorant, in his frame of reference?  What distance will it therefore travel towards Cormorant before hitting the floor of the plane’s cabin.

④  What distance will any point on the cabin floor have travelled during this same period of time?

⑤  What distance along the Cabin does Cormorant therefore predict that the shot will have travelled along the cabin before it hits the floor?