Chapter 3 Special Relativity 2
In Which We Predict Photon Momentum and Derive The Most Famous Of All Equations
Setting the scene for exploring the implications of special relativity for momentum and energy.
A reminder of the importance of the principle of conservation of momentum.
Classical momentum is NOT conserved once we take special relativity into account. A new, relativistic definition of momentum is required to restore the principle.
A reminder about definite integrals. Relating work done to force applied, when the force is not necessarily constant.
The relativistic definition of kinetic energy and the reason why anything that has mass cannot reach the speed of light.
Thinking about the physical meaning of the relativistic kinetic energy expression leads to Einstein's mass-energy relationship.
Derivation of the relativistic energy-momentum relation.
The energy-momentum relation predicts that photons have non-zero momentum, and this is supported by observations.
Looks ahead to how what we have learned will open the door to quantum theory.