Chapter 6 The Schrödinger Equation
In Which Everything Starts to Come Together
Piecing together the Schrödinger Equation. Solving this equation allows you to discover the wave function that, in turn, determines the properties of a particle.
Combining the wave equation, the de Broglie equation and the principle of conservation of energy leads us to the Schrödinger equation.
The connection between the kinetic energy associated with a wave function and its curvature. Introducing operators, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues.
Solution of the Schrödinger equation for a free particle
The Particle in a 1-dimensional box: a test system for the Schrödinger equation.
Normalising a wavefunction to take account of the fact that the particle must be somewhere.
Finding the Probability Distribution for Where the Particle Might Be
Making the Connection to Electron Wavefunctions in Atoms
The particle in a box as a model for delocalised electrons in a conjugated polyene
Investigating the transition from quantum physics to classical physics
Eigenfunctions can be added to form superposition states but these must collapse to a single eigenfunction if a measurement is made.
Eigenfunctions can be added to form superposition states but these must collapse to a single eigenfunction if a measurement is made.